Simplifying SharePoint Permissions: Using Microsoft Entra Access Packages

Simplifying SharePoint Permissions: Using Microsoft Entra Access Packages

What we’ll cover

In this blog post, we’ll explore how Microsoft Entra Access Packages can make managing permissions in SharePoint Online a breeze. We’ll look at how these packages simplify delegating permissions, offer quick review capabilities, and maintain security across your SharePoint sites. We’ll also dive into the governance and lifecycle features that help keep your access management streamlined and secure. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of how Access Packages can elevate your SharePoint permissions management to the next level.

While setting up Microsoft Entra Access Packages involves a series of detailed steps, this post won't delve into the step-by-step setup process. Instead, we'll focus on the high-level architecture elements that make Access Packages a powerful tool for managing permissions. By understanding the overarching structure and capabilities, you can better appreciate how these packages can streamline permissions management and enhance security within your SharePoint environment. For detailed setup instructions, I recommend referring to Microsoft's official documentation, which provides comprehensive guides and tutorials.

Create an access package in entitlement management - Microsoft Entra ID Governance
Learn how to create an access package of resources that you want to share in Microsoft Entra entitlement management.

Where does it start?

Managing permissions and security on SharePoint sites can be a real headache. With so many configuration options, it's easy to get overwhelmed. While there are certainly best practices, the biggest challenge lies in managing these permissions effectively. Traditionally, IT departments handled this when files were stored on local servers. However, with the shift to SharePoint Online, best practice suggests empowering data owners to manage permissions throughout the lifecycle of their data.

This approach ensures that the people who best understand the content and its sensitivity can control access. But this becomes increasingly difficult as you gain access to more SharePoint sites and deal with complex permissions structures.

One way to simplify this is by applying permissions at the highest possible level and letting containers like document libraries inherit these settings. This method, recommended by Microsoft, not only streamlines permission management but also enhances the integration of other Microsoft 365 tools.

And that brings us to the main focus of this article: Microsoft Entra Access Packages.

What are Access Packages?

Access packages are essential tools for managing who gets access to what within an organisation. Each access package lives in a container called a catalog, which defines the resources that can be included. These packages allow assigning roles to multiple resources at once. Administrators and catalog owners can add resources both during the creation of an access package and afterward, ensuring that users always have the access they need.

Access package managers can only use the resources already in the catalog and must ask catalog owners to add new ones if needed.

Lastly, every access package needs at least one policy. Policies determine who can request access and include approval settings, ensuring that access is granted appropriately. Whether for internal users, external users, or direct administrator assignments, these policies help maintain control and security.

When should I use an access package?

Before diving into examples and configurations, it's important to understand how Microsoft Entra Access Packages are used. While these packages offer powerful tools for managing access, they aren't necessary for every situation. To access the basic features, users need to be licensed with Microsoft Entra ID P2 at a minimum, or Microsoft Entra ID Governance for more advanced features. For detailed licensing information, refer to the Microsoft Learn documentation on Features by License.

You'll need to evaluate your organisation's specific needs to determine if this feature is essential for protecting your data. If it is, Microsoft Entra Access Packages are an excellent choice. Otherwise, you can continue using the standard permissions management or enhance them with SharePoint Premium features.

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